Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

English lesson plan for smk

Nama Sekolah                                     : SMK Bhinneka Bandar Lampung
Mata Diklat                                            : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester                                  : XII / 5 (Lima)
Pertemuan Ke                                      : 2 (dua)
Alokasi Waktu                                      : 6 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi                           : Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate
Kompetensi Dasar                              : 3.2. Understanding conversation with the native speaker.
Indikator                                                                :   -  Identifying and responding to the dialogs of making reservation correctly.

-   Using the correct expressions of making reservation correctly.

-   Finding information in the dialogs of making reservation correctly.

-   Writing dialogs of making reservation correctly

I.      Tujuan Pembelajaran
At the end of the lesson students are able to make a reservation

II.     Materi Ajar
-   Making Reservation
·      Good morning, Queen Garden Hotel, can I help you?
·      What would you like to have, Sir? Double room or single room?
·      When is it for, Sir?
·      For whom is it, Sir?
·      We are looking forward for your coming, Sir
·   Yes, I’d like to reserve for a room, please

·   I’d like single room, please

·   It’s for… (Monday to Friday)
·   It’s for…(Mr. George Hill), please
·   Thank you

III.    Metode Pembelajaran
-   Question – Answer
-   Observation
-   Presentation
-   Group work
-   Individual work

IV.    Langkah-Langkah kegiatan Pembelajaran
a.                                                                     Kegiatan Awal
-   To arouse the students’ interest, Teacher asks the students to complete a dialog based on the recording (Done in form of game; students are divide into some groups. Each groups got a dialog of making reservation with some blanks spaces on it. Each group is to complete the dialog based on the recording. The fastest group with correct answers will be the winner)
-   To direct the students to the lesson, Teacher asks some questions related to the dialog done in the game.
-   Teacher conveys the lesson objective.
b.     Kegiatan Inti
1.     Teacher presents the lesson
2.     Students do the skill practices
-   Students listen to the recording of making reservation and answer the questions related to it. (Act.1)
-   Students tell act out the dialog from Act.1. (Act.2)
-   Students read a dialog of making reservation and answer some questions related to it. (Act.3)
-   Students match the expression of making reservation with the correct responses. (Act.4)
-   Students compose a dialog of making reservation based on given clues. (Act.5)
c.     Penutup
-   Teacher guides the students to conclude the lesson they have learned

V.     Alat / Sumber / Bahan Belajar
-                       Alat / Bahan          : Sample dialog of making resrvation
-                       Sumber                 : Key To Success 3 ; Chapter 2

VI.    Penilaian
- Bentuk         : Subjective
- Jenis            : Performance Test
- Soal Test     : Make up a dialog based on the clues.

                                                                                                    Bandar Lampung,
Kepala SMK Bhinneka Bandar Lampung                                                      Guru Mata Diklat


  Drs. Murdiman                                                                                                  widianasari.S.P
  NIP. 19600123 199203 1001                                        

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