Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

RPP Bahasa Inggris XII-KD 3 SMK


Sekolah                    :  SMK BHINNEKA BANDAR LAMPUNG
Mata Pelajaran         :  Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester         :  XII / 5
Pertemuan ke           :  9
Alokasi waktu          :  2 x 45menit
Standar kompetensi :  Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate.
Kompetensi Dasar    :  3.3  Menyajikan laporan

Indikator                 :    
           1.       Outline laporan prakerin ditulis didalam powerpoint slide atau transparansi dengan menggunakan kalimat yang singkat dan padat.
           2.       Laporan prakerin disajikan secara lisan dalam bentuk presentasi yang benar.Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk membuat reservasi yang dilakukan oleh penutur asli ditanggapi dengan tepat

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1.  Siswa dapat menyusun laporan sederhana secara tertulis.
2.  Siswa dapat menyajikan laporan secara lisan.

II. Materi Ajar
   Presentation skills:
- How to open a speech
- How to propose ideas
- How to elaborate ideas
- How to close a speech
- How to handle questions
- How to use body language
- How to maintain audience’s attention
- How to use presentation aids.

III. Metode Pembelajaran
1.       Ceramah
2.       Tanya jawab
3.    Pemberian tugas

IV.     Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
A.  Pertemuan ke-9
1.    Kegiatan awal:
a.    Guru membuka pelajaran dengan ucapan salam
b.    Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa
c.    Apersepsi
-     Guru memberi penjelasan tentang tujuan pembelajaran
d.   Orientasi: Guru memberi contoh manfaat materi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
e.    Guru memberikan motivasi
2.    Kegiatan inti:
a.    Eksplorasi
1)   Guru memaparkan bagian-bagian sebuah laporan sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris
2)   Guru menerangkan berbagai kemampuan dasar dalam melakukan presentasi laporan
b.    Elaborasi
1)   Siswa diminta untuk menyusun outline laporan secara berkelompok
2)   Guru memberikan pengarahan dalam penyusunan outline dan membantu menerjemahkannya dalam bahasa inggris.

c.    Konfirmasi
1)   Siswa diminta untuk menyampaikan/ melakukan presentasi singkat secara lisan di depan kelas
2)   Guru mengawasi jalannya presentasi, memberikan komentar dan koreksi jika diperlukan.
3.    Kegiatan akhir:
a.    Guru menyimpulkan pelajaran
b.   Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya
c.    Guru memberikan penjelasan singkat tentang materi berikutnya

V.        Alat dan Sumber Belajar
1.    Spidol
2.    Papan tulis
3.    penghapus
        Sumber belajar:             
1.    English for Vocational School book 3.
2.    The universe of English 3.
3.    English dictionary.

VI.   Evaluasi
Presentasi lisan                       


                                                                                                            Bandar Lampung,
Kepala SMK Bhinneka Bandar Lampung                                          Guru Mata Diklat


  Drs. Murdiman                                                                               widianasari.S.Pd
  NIP. 19600123 199203 1001                                        

Kunci Jawaban Evaluasi SMK KD 3.2


A. Skor maksimal 30

A  : hello, good morning. Jasa Mulia Travel Agent. Can I help you ?
B  : Good morning, this is your costumer who has just returned from a holiday in Solo
A  : What’s seem to be the matter?
B  : Well, I am disappointed with facilities given at your recommended hotel.
A  : What make you be disappointed with it?
B  : the room was dirty, it is very noisy, and the food was atrocious, can you give me refund for some money of mine ?
A  : We are really sorry, and we would make a confirmation to our recommended hotel for taking a half of you money. Then, we will call you later.
B  : Thank you for the responses.

B. Skor maksimal 10
1.        good morning
2.        a room
3.        please
4.        a shower
5.        Rp. 225.000
6.        credit card
7.        the register, please
8.        any luggage
9.        here is the key
10.    enjoy your stay

C. Skor maksimal 20
1.         Were
2.         Would have stopped
3.         Meet
4.         Had had
5.         Will break
6.         Would not have passed
7.         Had
8.         Didn’t see
9.         Will not travel
10.     Told

Soal evaluasi KD 2 SMK Class 3


A. Create a dialogue of making and handling complaint based on the situation below !

You just returned from a holiday in Solo. Unfortunately, the holiday was spoiled because the hotel room was dirty, the hotel was very noisy and the food was atrocious. You feel that the travel agent should refund you some of the money. Telephone him and make your complaint tactfully.

B. Fill the following sentence space of the dialogue with the sentences or phrases provided !
Receiptionist         : …………………(1). Can I help you ?
Mr. Arga               : Yes, could I have ……………(2) for the night ?
Receiptionist         : Certaintly. Single room or a double ?
Mr. Arga               : Single, ……………..
Recepcionist          : Would you like a room with (4) …………… or a bath ?
Mr. Arga               : A shower. How much is the room ?
Receiptionist         : (5) ………… for the room and breakfast. Would you like an 
                                evening meal ?
Mr. Arga               : No, thanks. Just breakfast. Can I buy by (6) ……….. ?
Recetionist                        : Yes, of course. We take Visa and Master Card as well as Dinner
                                Club. Could you sign (7) ………… please ?
Mr. Arga               : Yes, sure. Do you want my address,too ?
Receiptionist         : No, just a signature. Do you have (8) ………… ?
Mr. Arga               : just a bag
Receiptionist         : (9) …………. Your room number is 311. I hope you
                                (10) …………
Mr. Arga               : Thanks.


  1. a room
  2. please
  3. good morning
  4. Rp.225.000
e.         Here is your key
f.          Enjoy your stay
g.         A shower
h.         The register, please
i.      Have any luggage
j.      Credit card

C.  Conditional Sentences Type I, II or III
Complete the Conditional Sentences with the correct form (Type I, II or III).
1.      If I (be) __________________ stronger, I would help you carry the piano.
2.      If we had seen you, we (stop) __________________.
3.      If we (meet) __________________him tomorrow, we will say hello.
4.      He would have repaired the car himself if he (has) _________________ the tools.
5.      If you drop the vase, it (breaks) __________________.
6.      If I had not studied, I (not/pass) __________________ the exam.
7.      I would not go to school by bus if I (have) __________________a driving license.
8.      If she (not/see) __________________ him every day, she would be lovesick.
9.      I (not/travel) _________________to London if I don't get a cheap flight.
10.  We would be stupid if we (tell) ___________________him about our secret.