English Sylabus for SMK 1


NAMA SEKOLAH                                :
STANDAR KOMPETENSI  : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Novice Level
KODE                                     :
ALOKASI WAKTU                :

Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar

1.1.  Understanding  the basic expressions of social interaction in a daily life situation

·      Identifying and responding to the expressions of greeting leave taking, introduction, thanking and apologizing correctly

·      Using and demonstrating the expressions of greeting, leave taking, introduction, thanking and apologizing correctly.

·      Finding information in the text of personal information correctly

·      Writing sentences of greeting, leave taking, introduction, thanking and apologizing correctly.

·      Greetings and Leave Takings.
-   Good morning
-   How are you
-   See you later

·      Introduction
-   My name’s….
-   I live at…..

·      Thanking
-   Thank you very much
-   Thanks
-   You’re welcome

·      Apologizing
-   I’m sorry for….
-   Please forgive me…

·      Grammar Review
-   Personal pronoun
-   Simple Present Tense

·      Listening to the dialogs of greeting, leave taking, introduction, thanking and apologizing

·      Answering questions based on the dialogs.

·      Completing dialogs based on tape script.

·      Pronunciation practice.

·      Acting out dialog of introduction

·      Introducing oneself

·      Reading dialogs about Introduction

·      Reading a passage about introduction.

·      Answering questions based on the dialogs.

·      Answering questions based on the passages

·      Completing dialogs based with the choices given.

·      Completing dialogs with owns expressions.

·      Composing dialogs of introduction.

·      Composing sentences by using personal pronoun

·      Composing sentences by using simple present tense

·    Pencil – Paper test

·    Oral Test

·    Performance Test

Global Access to the World of Work

Communication Builder 1

1.2. Describing things, people and events.

·      Identifying and responding to the description of people, things and event  correctly

·      Using the correct words of describing people, things and event.

·      Finding information in the text of describing people, things and event, correctly

·      Writing sentences of describing people, things and events, correctly

·      Describing people in terms of:
-   Physical appearance
-   Personality traits
-   Nationality
-   She has big blue eyes
-   Hanna is an honest person
-   Jane is American. She comes from USA

·      Describing things in terms of:
-   colors
-   quality
-   Size
-   Shape
-   It’s a beautiful big U-shaped wooden house

·      Describing events in terms of:
-   time
-   day
-   month
-   year
-   the accident happened at 9 P.M. on Monday, the 26th of February 2010

·      Grammar Review:
-   singular – plural noun

·      Listening to text of describing people, things and events.

·      Completing a text with the correct words based on the tape script.

·      Answering questions based on the tape script.

·      Matching picture with the correct description based on the tape script.

·      Pronunciation practice.

·      Describing picture of people, things and events.

·      Reading the text of describing people, things and events.

·      Answering questions related to the text.

·      Rearranging words into a good sentence of

describing people, things and events.
·      Rearranging sentences into a good paragraph of describing people, things and events.

·      Writing a paragraph of describing people, things and events.

·    Pencil – Paper test

·    Oral Test

·    Performance Test

Global Access to the World of Work

Communication Builder 1

1.3. Producing simple expressions of basic function in daily life situations

·      Identifying and responding to the expressions of showing regrets, apologies, sympathy, asking for and giving permissions, commands and request, offering things and service correctly.

·      Using and demonstrating the expressions of showing regrets, apologies, sympathy, asking for and giving permissions, commands and request, offering things and service  correctly.

·      Finding the information in a dialog expressions of showing regrets, apologies, sympathy, asking for and giving permissions, commands and request, offering things and service  correctly.

·      Writing sentences of expressions of showing regrets, apology  and sympathy, asking for and giving permissions, commands and request, offering things and service correctly.

·      Expressing regret and apologies
-   I’m sorry that….

·      Expressing Sympathy
-   I’m sorry to hear that, please accept my condolences.

·      Asking for and giving permissions
-   Can I leave the room, please?

·      Giving Commands
-   Open the door!
-   Close the window!

·      Offering things
-   Would you like a cup of tea?

·      Participial adjectives
-   I feel bored.
-   The lesson is boring.

·      Subject – verb agreement
-   John is very happy.
-   There are three eggs in the fridge.
-   She was here yesterday.

·      Modal + auxiliary

·      Listening to the dialog of showing regrets, apologies, sympathy, asking for and giving permissions, commands and request, offering things and service.

·      Underlining the correct expressions of showing regrets, apologies, sympathy asking for and giving permissions, commands and request, offering things and service.

·      Completing dialogs of expressing regrets, apologies, sympathy, asking for and giving permissions, commands and request, offering things and service based on the tape script.

·      Pronunciation practice.

·      Acting out dialog of showing regrets, apologies, sympathy asking for and giving permissions, commands and request, offering things and service.

·      Reading dialogs of showing regrets apologies, sympathy, asking for and giving permissions, commands and request, offering things and service.

·      Answering questions based on the text

·      Matching the expressions of showing regrets apologies, sympathy, asking for and giving permissions, commands and request, offering things and service with the correct responses.

·      Completing dialog of showing regrets apologies, sympathy, asking for and giving permissions, commands and request, offering things and service with the choice of expressions given.

·      Rearranging the dialog of showing regrets apologies, sympathy, asking for and giving permissions, commands and request, offering things and service into a good dialog.

·      Completing dialogs of showing regrets apologies, sympathy, asking for and giving permissions, commands and request, offering things and service with owns expressions.

·      Writing dialog of showing regrets apologies, sympathy, asking for and giving permissions, commands and request, offering things and service in a given situation.

·      Completing sentences using the correct form of participial adjective.

·      Completing sentences using the correct form subject-verb agreement.

·      Completing sentences using the correct form modal + auxiliary.

·    Pencil – Paper test

·    Oral Test

·    Performance Test

1.4. Describing happening events

·      Identifying and responding to happening event.

·      Using the correct sentences of describing happening event.

·      Telling happening event.

·      Finding the information about happening event.

·      Writing sentences of describing events.

·      Present Continuous Tense
-   We are studying English at the moment

·      Future Continuous Tense
-   I will be traveling to Europe when you read this letter.

·      Sentence using there+be
-   There is a cat
-   There are some fruits

·      Preposition of Place
-   The glass is on the table
-   The students are inside the classroom

·      Listening to the description of a happening event.

·      Answering questions of the happening event based on the tape script.

·      Matching picture with the correct description based on the tape script.

·      Pronunciation practice.
·      Describing happening event based on a picture.

·      Telling a happening event based on personal experience.

·      Reading a text of happening event.

·      Answering questions related to the text.

·      Writing sentences by using the correct form of present continuous tense.

·      Writing sentences by using the correct form of future continuous tense.

·      Writing sentences by using the correct form of there + be.

·      Writing sentences by using the correct preposition of place.

·      Writing paragraph of happening event based on the picture given.

·      Writing paragraph of happening event based on personal experience.

·    Pencil – Paper test

·    Oral Test

·    Performance Test

1.5.   Understanding memo, menu, travel schedule and traffic sign.

·    Identifying and responding to memo, menu, travel schedule and traffic sign correctly.

·    Explaining memo, menu, travel schedule and traffic sign correctly.

·    Finding information related to memo, menu, travel schedule and traffic sign correctly.

·    Writing memo, menu, travel schedule and traffic signs correctly.

·      Samples of Memo

·      Samples of Menu

·      Samples of Travel schedule

·      Traffic Signs and Symbols

·      Comparative and Superlative degree

·      Reported Speech

·    Listening to memo, menu, travel schedule on the tape script.

·    Answering questions related to the text of menu, memo, travel schedule based on the tape script.

·    Matching the correct traffic signs with the descriptions based on the tape script.

·    Completing chart of memo, menu, travel schedule and traffic signs based on the tape script.

·    Pronunciation practice.

·    Telling memo, menu, travel schedule and traffic signs based on the given situations or pictures.

·    Answering the questions related to the text / pictures of memo, menu, travel schedule, traffic signs.

·    Matching picture of traffic signs with the correct description.

·    Write memo, menu, travel schedule, traffic signs.

·    Writing sentences using comparative and superlative degree.

·    Writing sentences using reported speech.

·    Pencil – Paper test

·    Oral Test

·    Performance Test

1.6. Understanding simple sentences based on its patterns

·    Identifying and responding to expressions of preference, capabilities, asking for and giving directions and  conditional sentence type 1 correctly

·    Using the expressions of giving preference, showing capabilities, asking for and giving directions and  conditional sentence type 1 correctly.

·    Finding the information from the texts of expressions of preference,
capabilities, asking for and giving directions and  conditional sentence type 1 correctly.

·    Writing sentences of giving preference, showing capabilities, asking for and giving directions and  conditional sentence type 1 correctly.

·    Expressing Preference
-   I prefer coffee to tea
-   I would rather drink coffee than tea
-   I like coffee better than tea

·    Expressing Capabilities
-   I can swim the river
-   I’m able to swim the river

·    Giving Direction
-   Can you tell me the
way to the station please
-   Go straight, turn right, it’s on your right

·    Conditional Sentence Type1
-   If the weather is nice, we will go to the beach
-   I will come to the party if you invite me

·    Listening to the dialog of showing preference, capabilities, giving direction and conditional sentence type1 on the tape script.

·    Completing dialogs based on a tape script.

·    Answering questions related to the dialog on the tape script.

·    Pronunciation practice.

·    Acting Out dialog of showing preference,
capabilities, giving direction and conditional sentence type1.

·    Reading the dialogs of showing preference, capabilities, giving direction and conditional sentence type1.

·    Matching the expressions of showing preference, capabilities, giving direction and conditional sentence type1with the correct response.

·    Rearranging jumbled dialogs of showing preference, capabilities, giving direction and conditional sentence type1.

·    Completing dialogs of showing preference, capabilities, giving direction and conditional sentence type1.

·    Composing sentences using conditional sentence type1.

·    Pencil – Paper test

·    Oral Test

·    Performance Test

1.7. Making simple invitation

·    Identifying and responding to an invitation correctly.

·    Using the expressions of inviting someone correctly.

·    Finding the information from an invitation correctly.

·    Writing an invitation correctly.

·    Inviting someone
-   Would you come to my party tomorrow night?
-   Sure, I’d love to

·    Listening to the invitation and dialog of showing preference on the tape script.

·    Completing an invitation and dialog of showing preference based on a tape script.

·    Answering questions related to the dialog of inviting someone and showing preference on the tape script.

·    Pronunciation practice.
·    Acting Out dialog of inviting someone and showing preference.

·    Answering questions related to the text of inviting someone and showing preference.
·    Matching the expressions of inviting someone and showing preference with the correct response.

·    Filling in the blanks to complete an invitation

·    Rearranging jumbled sentences to make a good invitation

·    Writing an invitation

·    Pencil – Paper test

·    Oral Test

·    Performance Test

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