English syllabus for SMK 2


NAMA SEKOLAH                                :
STANDAR KOMPETENSI  : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Elementary Level
KODE                                     :
ALOKASI WAKTU                :

Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar

2.1. Understanding daily life conversation both in professional and personal context with the non-native speaker.

·    Identifying and responding the expressions of expressing hobbies and interest and guest handling correctly.

·    Using the expressions of expressing hobbies and interest and guest handling correctly.

·    Finding the information from the text of expressing hobbies and interest and guest handling correctly.

·    Writing Sentences of expressing hobbies and interest and guest handling correctly.

·      Hobbies and interests
-   I like fishing
-   I love gardening

·      Guest handling
-   What can I do for you, Sir?
-   I hope you enjoy the food

·      Grammar review
-   Gerunds
a.     I like fishing
b.     Gardening is always be my favorite activities

·      Listening to the dialogs of expressing hobbies and interest and guest handling

·      Underlining the expressions of expressing hobbies and interest and guest handling

·      Completing the dialogs of expressing hobbie  s and interest and guest handling based on the tape script

·      Completing chart related to the dialog of expressing hobbies and interest and guest handling based on the tape script

·      Pronunciation Practice

·      Acting out the dialog of expressing hobbies and interest and guest handling
·      Surveying others’ hobbies and interests

·      Answering questions related to the dialogs of

expressing hobbies and interest and guest handling

·      Matching the expressions of expressing hobbies and interest and guest handling with the correct responses

·      Filling in the blank the dialogs of expressing hobbies and interest and guest handling with the correct expressions

·      Rearranging words to form a good sentence of expressing hobbies and interest and guest handling

·    Pencil – Paper test

·    Oral Test

·    Performance Test

Global Access to the World of Work

Communication Builder 2

2.2.  Taking note both in direct interaction and indirect interaction

·    Identifying and responding to the expressions of Telephone Conversation

·    Using the expressions of Telephone Conversation

·    Finding information in the text of Telephone Conversation

·    Writing the expressions  Telephone Conversation

·      Phone Conversation
-   can I speak to….
-   May I leave a message?
-   Hold on please…
-   He isn’t available right now

·      Grammar review
a.   Personal Pronoun
b.   Reported speech
c.   Adjective Clause

·      Listening to the telephone conversation

·      Underlining the expressions used in the telephone conversation

·      Filling in the blank with the correct expressions

·      Pronunciation practice

·      Acting out the dialog of telephone conversation

·      Answering questions related to the text of telephone conversation

·      Matching the expressions of telephone conversation with the correct response

·      Rearranging jumbled dialog of telephone conversation

·      Rearranging words to form a good sentence of telephone conversation

·      Composing sentences using personal pronoun

·      Composing sentences using reported speech

·      Composing sentences using adjective clause

·    Pencil – Paper test

·    Oral Test

·    Performance Test

2.3.  Understanding  about one’s job, job’s descriptions and educational background

·    Identifying and responding to one’s job, job’s descriptions and educational background, facts and figure correctly.

·    Talking about one’s job, job’s descriptions and educational background, facts and figure correctly.

·    Finding information in the text about one’s job, job’s descriptions and educational background, facts and figure correctly.

·    Writing about one’s job, job’s descriptions and educational background, facts and figure correctly.

·    Jobs and Jobs’ description
-   A cook makes food in the restaurant
-   A teacher explains lessons to the students.

·    Curriculum vitae

·    Expressing Facts and Figures
-   The graph shows that…

·    Grammar Review
- Simple Past Tense

·      Listening to a story of one’s job and the job’s description

·      Completing a curriculum vitae based on the tape script

·      Completing a graph based on the tape script

·      Telling a story of one’s job, job’s description and educational background

·      Describing a graph

·      Answering questions based on the text about job, job’s descriptions and educational background, curriculum vitae, facts and figures

·      Matching jobs with the description

·      Rearranging words into a good sentence about jobs, job’s description and educational background

·      Composing story about one’s job, job’s descriptions and educational background

·      Writing paragraph describing graph

·    Pencil – Paper test

·    Oral Test

·    Performance Test

2.4.  Describing past experience and future planning

·    Identifying and responding to the expressions expressing past experience and future planning correctly.

·    Using the expressions expressing past experience and future planning correctly.

·    Finding information from the text about past experience and future planning correctly

·    Writing sentences expressing past experience and future planning correctly.

·    Past Event

·    Future Planning

·    Grammar Review
-   Simple Past
-   Future Tense

·      Listening to a text telling one’s past experience and future planning

·      Completing charts related to the story of one’s past experience and future planning

·      Telling past experience and future planning based on the clues

·      Telling past experience and future planning based on personal experience

·      Answering questions related to the text about past experience and future planning

·      Writing paragraph of past experience and future planning

2..5.  Expressing Feelings

·    Identifying and responding to the expressions of giving invitation, shopping, expressing certainty, giving and responding to compliment, opinion, agreement/ disagreement correctly.

·    Using the expressions of giving invitation, shopping, expressing certainty, giving and responding to compliment, opinion, agreement/ disagreement correctly.

·    Finding information from the text of giving invitation, shopping, expressing certainty, giving and responding to compliment, opinion, agreement/ disagreement correctly.

·    Writing text of giving invitation, shopping, expressing certainty, giving and responding to compliment, opinion, agreement/ disagreement

·    Giving Invitation
-   Would you like to come to my party tonight?
-   I’d love to, but…

·    Going Shopping
-   How much is this pair of shoes?
-   Is there any discount?

·    Expressing Certainty
-   I’m sure it’s going to rain this afternoon.
-   She must be trapped in a traffic jam

·    Giving and Responding to Compliment
-   You look beautiful tonight!
-   That’s great!

·    Giving Opinion
-   I think it’s not good cheating on test
-   In my opinion….

·    Expressing Agreement/ Disagreement
-   I agree with you
-   I think I have different opinion with you

·    Grammar Review
-   Noun Clause

·      Listening to the dialog of giving invitation, shopping, expressing certainty, giving and responding to compliment, opinion, agreement/ disagreement.

·      Underlining the expressions of giving invitation, shopping, expressing certainty, giving and responding to compliment, opinion, agreement/ disagreement.

·      Completing the dialog of giving invitation, shopping, expressing certainty, giving and

responding to compliment, opinion, agreement/ disagreement based on the tape script.

·    Acting out the dialog of giving invitation, shopping, expressing certainty, giving and responding to compliment, opinion, agreement/ disagreement

·    Answering questions related to the text of giving invitation, shopping, expressing certainty, giving and responding to compliment, opinion, agreement/ disagreement.

·    Matching the expressions of giving invitation, shopping, expressing certainty, giving and responding to compliment, opinion, agreement/ disagreement with the correct responses.

·    Rearranging words into a good sentence expressing the expressions of giving invitation, shopping, expressing certainty, giving and responding to compliment, opinion, agreement/ disagreement.

·    Rearranging jumbled dialog of giving invitation, shopping, expressing certainty, giving and responding to compliment, opinion, agreement/ disagreement.

·    Composing dialog of giving invitation, shopping, expressing certainty, giving and responding to compliment, opinion, agreement/ disagreement based on given situation.

·    Pencil – Paper test

·    Oral Test

·    Performance Test

2.6.  Understanding to a simple instructions

·    Identifying and Responding to the expressions of describing process, asking for and giving suggestions, expressing necessity and obligations correctly.

·    Using the expressions of describing process, asking for and giving suggestions, expressing necessity and obligations correctly.

·    Finding information in the text of describing process, asking for and giving suggestions, expressing necessity and obligation correctly.

·    Writing the text of describing process, asking for and giving suggestions, expressing necessity and obligations correctly.


·    Describing Process
-   First, break the eggs to the pan…
-   Second…
-   Third…

·    Giving Suggestions
-   You should see the doctor.
-   You’d better take some medicine

·    Expressing Necessity and Obligation

-   We must be there before the boss comes
-   It’s necessary for you to finish the task

·    Listening to the dialog of describing process, asking for and giving suggestions, expressing necessity and obligations.

·    Completing dialog of describing process, asking for and giving suggestions, expressing necessity and obligations.

·    Acting out the dialog of describing process, asking for and giving suggestions, expressing necessity and obligation.

·    Answering questions related to the text of describing process, asking for and giving suggestions, expressing necessity and obligation.

·    Matching the expressions of describing process, asking for and giving suggestions, expressing necessity and obligation with the correct responses.

·    Rearranging words into a good sentences of describing process, asking for and giving suggestions, expressing necessity and obligation.

·    Rearranging jumbled dialog of describing process, asking for and giving suggestions, expressing necessity and obligation.

·    Composing dialog of describing process, asking for and giving suggestions, expressing necessity and obligation.

·    Pencil – Paper test

·    Oral Test

·    Performance Test

2.7.  Understanding short messages

·    Identifying and understanding to a short messages correctly

·    Describing short messages correctly

·    Finding information in the text of short messages correctly

·    Making short messages correctly

·      Sample of short messages

·    Listening to a short messages
·    Completing a chart based on the short messages
·    Rearranging sentences based on the short messages

·    Retelling to a short messages

·    Answering questions based on the text of short messages

·    Composing short messages based on given clues

·    Pencil – Paper test

·    Oral Test

·    Performance Test

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