Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

english lesson plan for smk 3

Nama Sekolah                                       : SMK Bhinneka Bandar Lampung
Mata Diklat                                              : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester                                    : XII / 5 (Lima)
Pertemuan Ke                                        : 1 (satu)             
Alokasi Waktu                                        : 6 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi                             : Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate
Kompetensi Dasar                                : 3.1. Understanding a monolog in a certain situation
Indikator                                                  :  -  Identifying and responding to a monolog in forms of advertisement, reports or  
                                                                        announcement correctly.
                                                      -  Using the correct sentences in telling advertisement, reports or announcement correctly.
   -  Finding information in the text of advertisement, reports or announcement correctly.

                                                     -  Writing advertisement, reports or announcement correctly.

I.      Tujuan Pembelajaran
At the end of the lesson students are able to explain a monolog both in oral and written form

II.     Materi Ajar
-   Sample of monolog ; advertisement, report, announcement
-   Synonym - Antonym

III.    Metode Pembelajaran
-   Question – Answer
-   Observation
-   Presentation
-   Group work
-   Individual work

IV.    Langkah-Langkah kegiatan Pembelajaran
a.                                                                     Kegiatan Awal
-   To arouse the students’ interest, Teacher sticks a sample of advertisement, written in a big size, on the wall ask the students to read it.
-   To direct the students to the lesson, Teacher asks some questions related to the ads.
-   Teacher conveys the lesson objective.

b.     Kegiatan Inti
1.     Teacher presents the lesson
2.     Students do the skill practices
-   Students listen to the recording of an advertisement and answer the questions related to it (Act.1)
-   Students tell an announcement based on a given picture. (Act.2)
-   Students read an announcement and answer some questions related to it. (Act.3)
-   Students match the advertisement with the correct explanation. (Act.4)
-   Students find the synonym and antonym of words in given paragraph. (Act.5)
-   Students compose an announcement based on the given clues.
c.     Penutup
-   Teacher guides the students to conclude the lesson they have learned
-   Teacher give the students homework to find an advertisement an explain it in front of the class

V.     Alat / Sumber / Bahan Belajar
-                                                       Alat / Bahan          : Sample of Advertisement
-                                                       Sumber : Key To Success 3 ; Chapter 1

VI.    Penilaian
- Bentuk         : Subjective
- Jenis            : Performance Test
- Soal Test     : Explain the advertisement based on the picture by using your own words.

                                                                                                        Bandar Lampung,
Kepala SMK Bhinneka Bandar Lampung                                                      Guru Mata Diklat


  Drs. Murdiman                                                                                                  widianasari.S.Pd
  NIP. 19600123 199203 1001                                        

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